HiFi vs MidFi

I’m a relative noob to the audiophile scene, having just invested in an integrated amp and upscale (for me) speakers.  From time to time, I hear the term “MidFi” for some components.  Is there an objective or just largely accepted definition for this term?  I’d be curious to hear feedback on what constitutes HiFi vs. MidFi across various components.  
If you are referring to me, I don’t own an Armani suit.

~~~~~~~~The guy listening to the Guarneri hasa Gorgio Armani suit on.
AS if that alone is convincing,,a guy with big bucks of course choses only the very best, = Sonus Fqaber
What a bunch of snakeoil’

Trust me the Seas Thors if you are not aware are bench mark gold standard 2 ways.
Dont believe me, go to Troel Gravesen’s web page.
There he shares his opinions on Seas EXCEL speakers.

The Excel midwoofers are pure neutral, with zero overhang resonances up to say 1800hz.
2khz its pushing the limit.
Which is why i runa 10uf cap up to say 1600hz.
Midwoofers such as Scan speak and Seas can’t compete witha good quality WBer.
You no doubt have not yet heard a 1st class WBer so you have no idea what I am trying to say.
My WBer will outshoot the Guarneri.
db sensitivity thats why.
I’ve gone over this fact, tested and true, so many times here past few months.
I can’t explain further.
If we get 10 giolden ear aupdiophiles judgeing between my WBer system vs any Sonus Faber,,of course unanimous vote Sonus Faber, SF gets the Cigar
My WBer system get the cigar butt, as a consolation prize.

THE Industry must always wins. 
Stereophile Magazine says yes, this is so true. Out team must always win.
Popular vote always wins,
Consumerism, commercialism.
I just posted 2 vids of my Thors and WBers,

can’t you hear??
You may need better computer speakers. 
Sorry not at all impressed with any of the Sonus Faber models.
Miles Davis?
Any speaker can pull off Miles Davis.
Exception The Bose which is not a speaker any hoot.

You no doubt have not yet heard a 1st class WBer
You are wrong yet again. At least you are consistently wrong.

My WBer will outshoot the Guarneri.
Nope, not a chance. Already said that.

You may need better computer speakers.
I am listening through my Sennheiser HD-58x headphones, which are by far better than your WBer.


Sorry not at all impressed with any of the Sonus Faber models.
At least the SF are coherent. 
Frankenstein is an incoherent, shouty mess. 
Heard WBers Check
Will not request lab name. 
Sennheiser HD-58X, the finest, Check
vs  my Walmart $9.99 computer speakers. 
So you can hear details I can't
have you ever in your life heard a  Seas W18EX/Millennium?
Seas top drivers
ya know they have to be musical. 

I wuld not  trade in my WBer system for any speaker in the world.
New developments for early 2022 planned.
Regardless of your opinion, I believe my WBer system  in its calss, is the finest speaker in the world. 2nd to none.
I would need 5 honest audiophiles blind test, 
Seas, Sonus Faber and my WBer  system.
These judges would not be informed what speakers were being tested. 
All they know is speaker A, B , C. 
and we swap them around.  and we do not tell them OK this is speaker A.
All they do is write notes and given 3 test cds, determine which speaker they liked overall performance. 
If mine lose i will tell they they need to get their hearing cked. 

have you ever in your life heard a Seas W18EX/Millennium?
Yes. I have even owned some.

If mine lose i will tell they they need to get their hearing cked.
Seems pretty objective and scientific. 😜🥴

Seems pretty objective and scientific. 😜🥴

You mean like Stereophile speaker reviews past 50 years.