HiFi vs MidFi

I’m a relative noob to the audiophile scene, having just invested in an integrated amp and upscale (for me) speakers.  From time to time, I hear the term “MidFi” for some components.  Is there an objective or just largely accepted definition for this term?  I’d be curious to hear feedback on what constitutes HiFi vs. MidFi across various components.  
Heard WBers Check
Will not request lab name. 
Sennheiser HD-58X, the finest, Check
vs  my Walmart $9.99 computer speakers. 
So you can hear details I can't
have you ever in your life heard a  Seas W18EX/Millennium?
Seas top drivers
ya know they have to be musical. 

I wuld not  trade in my WBer system for any speaker in the world.
New developments for early 2022 planned.
Regardless of your opinion, I believe my WBer system  in its calss, is the finest speaker in the world. 2nd to none.
I would need 5 honest audiophiles blind test, 
Seas, Sonus Faber and my WBer  system.
These judges would not be informed what speakers were being tested. 
All they know is speaker A, B , C. 
and we swap them around.  and we do not tell them OK this is speaker A.
All they do is write notes and given 3 test cds, determine which speaker they liked overall performance. 
If mine lose i will tell they they need to get their hearing cked. 

have you ever in your life heard a Seas W18EX/Millennium?
Yes. I have even owned some.

If mine lose i will tell they they need to get their hearing cked.
Seems pretty objective and scientific. 😜🥴

Seems pretty objective and scientific. 😜🥴

You mean like Stereophile speaker reviews past 50 years.

You mean like Stereophile speaker reviews past 50 years.
Actually, Stereophile performs a series of measurements on every speaker that gets reviewed. The text of the review can be taken with a grain of salt. The measurements tell a lot. The measurements are objective and scientific both. I would love to see Frankenstein measured to see how it performs. You know, frequency response, cabinet resonance, spectral decay, off axis response, impulse response. To paraphrase a famous line, you wouldn't be able to handle the truth.😢
you wouldn't be able to handle the truth.😢

Jacks best line ever, 

The real truth is. most audiophiles /DIYers don't take measurements all that seriously.
I just learned how to read a  fq/db graph.
Tells somethings but only hints at how the speaker ** might perform*.
What is most important, Stereophile and Audiophiles never discuss ina  speakers  construct, TYPE MATERIAL OF CONE (underscore) , StereoP only makes a passing comment, So what do they KNOW. nada
+ Type magnet + size magnet + db sens.
These 4 items are  super critcal and determine how  a  speaker performs.
paper composite
Carbon Fiber

The last material is the only cone I consider. 
Tweeters. well take your pick. 

Frankenstein can not be measured at Mr Carlson's lab. 
Won;'t fly,,, He;';ll take 1 look at it and say
**what is THIS? some kind of joke**\
So lets not go there. 
Its a  mix mash of sorts.
And just wait til I add in a  DLVX6. WBer 3 way + Thors.
My hunch is, a  winner.
There is not one speaker at any price  that even holds my interest.
Especially not the Zu's. 

This ain't 1970 , this is 2121, soon 2022.
The Acoustic Research/Advents were the bang of that era. 
Not any longer. 
The WBer has resurrected from the land of the dead. 
Frankensteins blood is flowing, he has breath. 

Have you ever in your life heard superior midrange?
