Isolation Transformers

I've been considering isolating my digital gear from the rest of my system. I've read some good information in the archives and want to know if anyne has direct experience with the MGE or Tripp-Lite units. Tripp-Lite offers a hospital grade and a base model, both appear to be hardwired. Not sure what the differences are other than cost. MDE has a hardwired and cordless model. I like the idea of using my own power cord, but not sure this would make a big difference. I'm leaning towards a 1KVA version. Any advice would be appreciated.

BTW - I don't and cannot have dedicated lines. I'm using a North Star transport and Monarchy M24 DAC at the moment.
I have to say after looking at Alan's website and noticing his Facebook page seems to have all content removed I am wondering if he is still offering any new products. My last dealings with him were 5 years ago and I have been really happy with the original set of PEs and CBFs that I have not had a need to address or purchase anything else from him. So unfortunately I am not sure I can be of much further help. Maybe someone else can chime in.
I took a look and saw there was no content on the Alan Maher site. We'll have to wait and see if he comes up with some products. I read that he dropped out for a while -- rumors. What are the PEs? I have never seen them.
Here are some pictures I found Googling them. You just plug them into outlets around your home. My method was to use onion every independent circuit in the home. In some cases I used two in parallel or series on the same circuit. You had various son tuning the circuit doing this. Over time the original PE design evolved but I still use the originals.

I know Alan used to work for a few different rock bands and last I knew he was living in Germany where his wife is stationed. Not sure what is up with him these days.
Thanks for this link. I have never seen the PE before. I would be interested in learning how they are working for you.

I have an Essential Audio Noise Eater, a couple of Kemp products, 4 Schumann resonance devices, a Quantum Symphony Pro and upwards of 20 Bybee products. The latter are the most effective, by far.

Have you heard the Nordost Quantum Qx4? From what I have read they do a very good job but all the reviewers talk about using multiple units in their auditioning sessions. I have never read a review when only one was used. At $2000 a pop this makes for a VERY expensive tweak.
Sabai, the PEs have been working great for me. They provide more than adequate noise reduction and they allow for flexible tuning. Depending on if I use them in parallel or series configuration I can dial in the sound as desired. Sort of like adjustable bias or tube rolling in some respects.

I have the Quantum power strip which offers a smaller dose of what your Quantum Symphony provides. I was very surprised at how well this product worked with video. I believe the developer of these products sold the IP to Nordost which in turn has raised the price of entry for audiophiles to acquire this technology.