Ohm Walsh Microtall or Vandersteen 1C

So having gone to my local audio store yesterday and auditioning the Vandersteen 1C and the PSB Image T6, the PSB model is out. I was leaning heavily towards going back next week to buy the 1C, but I started down a path of reading about the Microtalls, and I think I have to call them tomorrow and order a pair.

I'll be running with just a Peachtree Nova, using a Macbook Pro (optical out), Ps3/Xbox 360, and turntable as sources. They'll be used to play music as well as for 2 channel HT.

I really enjoyed the 1C sound, which had warmth and clarity. The PSBs felt a little too neutral and cold to me. I think while I imagine that I want a real analytic, detailed sound to let me hear every little note and drum hit, in reality I want a speaker that lets me get lost in the music and just "live" while I have music on. I can use headphones for the analytic listening :)

Will the Microtalls work for watching video, in the sense that dialogue will still sound as if it's coming from the center? I know I could always add the center channel and a sub later to help out with HT, but that's not in the budget now.

What will I lose with the Microtalls vs. the Vandersteens? I was also wondering if I wouldn't be better off waiting until I could afford the 2ce Sig II (or finding some new) and going with the Ohm for now while I'm at a $1000 budget.

Finally, do I pay return shipping on the Ohms if I don't like them? What is that cost? Thanks!
How much were the Wharfdales?

I would say the OHMs have similar characteristics as you describe liking with the Wharfdales but the presentation and interaction with room acoustics will be much different I suspect. Should be interesting. Keep us posted.
They were $1300, so similar to the MWT. They have vinyl wraps, so hopefully all of that cost is going into the sound.
SHould be interesting. Two radically different designs to chose from! THe Wharfdales appear to pack a lot of hardware into that package for that price!
Hope you like your micro talls. They take a while to break in, but it's worth it. If you can get them placed properly in the room, you'll get a sonic reward beyond belief. I put mine 10 inches from the wall behind them, and slowly started moving them away from the side walls. At 33 inches from the side walls, they engaged the room, giving me a stunning 3 dimensional soundstage, that fills the room at any volume. It's worth taking time to fine tune the placement to your room. Once you hear it, you'll say "that's it" and just sit back and be imersed in a soundstage that will be hard to beat. Good Luck Joe