SRA or VTA After Cartridge Breakin

So after 310 hours I am sure my suspension on my cartridge is broken in, so my question is does the SRA or VTA change once the suspension on a cartridge is broken in? If so in which direction, such as is the rear of the the tonearm raised or lowered by this suspension break in?
Yes it changes but which way you go depends. If it sounds better higher go higher. And vice versa.
Well what I meant was I think I have lost some of the higher frequency's, so in that case I should raise the rear of the tonearm correct?
This is an age old debate. The real question would be, does the suspension "sag" as the cartridge wears. If it does you would raise the rear of the tonearm to correct it. I have never seen this happen in a measurable way. I have seen MC cartridges collapse because the tension wire let go and that is unmistakable. 

This may be another case of lay instinct running away with itself. Complex mechanical devices like automobile engines do break in but cartridges do not even have any bearings just a rubber damper of some sort. In all probability cartridges do not break in they just wear out. There is a good argument that they sound best when new and without any stylus wear.

Sensory adaptation is an important physiologic process
A lot of what people think is "break in" is really sensory adaptation.