Network Switches

Let me add this final comment. For me, me only, I find myself so engaged to my music that at times it brings me to tears connecting with both the emotions and intentions of the artists. This kind of realism and emotional impact only came about as I improved my digital front end. Everything matters, as they say, when it comes to digital. I’m intentionally curious and rather relentless in my quest for this emotional connection to music. Some call it passion.

Not all will share this passion. For them all of this switch and cable talk is nonsense and a chasing after the wind. This is understandable.
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With my network switch, I can easily hear the difference between two high quality PSU’s. So it’s not just the switch itself that changes the sound, but also the power supply powering the switch.


I concur with your assessment and importance of using a high quality power supply with Ethernet switch. Would you please share which network switch you’re using and any other filters in your setup?