NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
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Wow. NYC is a great city and the people are great. The Mayor not so much. Same can be said for many cities though.

so didn’t this start with an upcoming audio show in NYC.

Oops I digress so let’s talk politics. Same old same old form the same people…..

wish we could block people here. 

I worked around a union when working part-time for the post office during college. It was shameful. Problem is that the unions stopped caring about their members years ago and only concentrate now on growing the ranks and empowering those at the upper levels. These days numbers are so low I dont know why I even bothered to comment.

For those that choose to denigrate NYC I would just say that the problems present are no different than in any large city in the U.S. Not for me but I can certainly see the attraction.
So there is crime in NYC big deal, there is crime in every city, town, and state in America. Crime is not what defines NYC or anyplace again enough already.