The smoothest amp you've heard?

What's the smoothest amp you've heard? I'm talking something so smooth it was perhaps too smooth, if that makes sense
When I hear the term smooth I want to scream! I don't understand what smooth even means? Maybe because I'm a winemaker and "smooth" in the wine world is a term used when not being able to evaluate complexity. Like wine when listening it can also be a complex experience. Smooth can be construed as a number of sonic observations. Its non specific. The term Smooth sounds boring. I'm using a Gryphon Mephisto, "smooth" doesn't come to mind. Many other attributes do.
@jakesnak  I'm with you. I also understand your example of wine as analogous.

I don't get what the term "smooth" means when applied to an amplifier. My expectation / goal is for the recording to be expressed as 'intact' / as 'intended' as is possible.

Anathema comes to mind. Both English definitions are apropos. In Spanish, even more so.  : )

1. something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.

2. a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine.

As in: I would dislike an amp that smoothes what isn't smooth and I would reject an amp that does so.

Perhaps others who have posted above can help me with my (lack of) understanding?
I don't understand what smooth even means?
Perhaps others who have posted above can help me with my (lack of) understanding?
@jakesnack  @david_ten  Read my first post in this thread. The explanation is in the first sentence.
I comprehend the sentence and premise. Its a very good technical explanation. However, the point I was attempting to make was, from a sonic perspective "smooth" doesn't present itself as something I am attempting to ascertain, or looking for in a amp? I have listened to many amps, I never recall saying "that amp is so smooth". I'm not trying to sound disrespectful. I think its a useless adjective when evaluating sonics of a component. Do you think a sound engineer says "we have to do it again, not smooth enough" IMO, Its a pointless term.