PRat: a DAC or transport thing?

Hi folks, I would like to know if PRaT is more related to DAC or transport? Could I improve PRaT by using a contemporary top flight transport (instead of the 10 year old Accuphase DP-90)? Thank you. Btw, I'm using the matching Accuphase DC-91 DAC.

There are many factors that affect a system's PRaT, it is not restricted to the transport and DAC. I'd say that both components are equally important, as is the amplification and cabling (and pretty much everything else in the audio chain).
prat is misunderstood. if you play a cd on two stereo systems, and both cd players are spinning the cd at the same speed, the elapsed time will be the same for each stereo system. thus, the pace must be the same as well as the timing. if one perceives that one stereo system seems "faster" or another "slower", it's in the mind, not the music.

what is it in the presentation that creates the psychoacoustic effect of speed ?
Hello, in theory Mrtennis is right,
however in practice, your 10 yrs old Accuphase transport might
need re-calibration. The main crystal is aging, because of that it could change transport's main clock frequency.
If this change is more than +/-200ppm the rhytm and tempo of music will change. After all sampling frequency (44.1Khz) derived from main clock.