Koetsu Rosewood Vs Rosewood Signature Vs HANA UMAMI RED advice please

I ended up buying an Acoustic Signature Typhoon, with a 11" Kuzma 4Point. Now the question is which cartridge I get.
I have a Hana E and M in my current VPI and really like them, but I looking forward to test something else. I like detail without much in your face(?), soundstage and some hint of warmth. 

I saved $4K for a cartridge and I am getting 25% off on any cartridge I want, and do not need to spend the $4k.

I am open to other brands, except Sound Smith which I had in my Bergmann Galder and did not like at all.

My system for the Typhoon is composed of
Tannoy Kensington
Pathos Heritage, or Primaluna 300
Manley Labs Steelhead 
all powered with a PS powerplant.
Thank you
Dear @astolfor : " We liked what we liked. " no one can’t argue nothing or argue against a subjective opinion full of subjectivity.

Mi point is not that my overall point is through facts what’s the rigth way and why is the rigth way and that paper and other white papers confirms with out doubts that several times what we like it is just wrong but that is what we like it.

I like to be as objective as my first hand experiences in live MUSIC and room/systems ( 100+ differents at least. ) tells me through at least the last 40 years and to be " objective " I try to be " unbiased " everytime I make tests o comparisons between cartridges or tonearms or amplifiers or what ever.

The only compromise I have is with MUSIC not with the hardware to listen to and my target always is to stay nearer to the recording. Btw, I used tube electronics by around 8-10 years and learned that is the way wrong to stay truer to the recording no matters what. But that’s me.

Look when ay room/system quality level performance stays truer to the recording what you listen to is always way better that what you like in this moment: always. 

SS Vs Tube...:)  I have am very fortunate to be able to have pretty good SS, Hybrid and tube amplifiers, preamps and phono stages and for some reason I always gravitate towards to the tube and hybrid.

But that is me, my other half gravitates towards SS and Hybrid. The solution 5 different setups in 3 different rooms. 
Dear @astolfor : As I said no one can't argue any think against your subjective opinion what you like.

Now, if you give me all the electronic combinations you have in your different set ups and with which analog rig each one I can give you not my opinion but facts that will tell you which of those set ups are nearer or far away from the recording and why.

You are welcome,
OP hopefully you will be in Seattle area next spring into Summer - would live to host you for social hour w music and vino. Bring tge better half along, she can tweak the TT setup while nobody is looking. Plenty of tube and hybrid gear to hold some interest.  best to you on your journey, work in the USA and music ;-)