NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
@soix - you certainly feel strongly- Alan was a gentleman and a great dinner companion. As to his merits as a reviewer, I do remember a comparative review of 5 or so line stages - I think it was Roy and Alan, and I owned one of the units at the time (a Lamm L2 Reference). I thought their descriptions of the character of the sound of the Lamm were "spot on" as the Brits say, based on my own experience.
I don't really keep up with the "legacy" mags and spend less time  online  talking audio these days. I think the show mentioned was 2013. I haven't really kept up and spend most of my time focusing on records. I may have one more speaker system in me--but it will require some travel and some time. 
Bill Hart
So Nonoise I suppose you are a regular on movie sets. Were union people on set when Bruce Lee was killed?

Brandon Lee. 
Stereophile is also a hack publication. 
@audition__audio — Well, at least they go to the trouble of taking measurements and, for the most part, compare a review sample to a similar product.  What superior publications do you read?  Please inform us.

Big deal? Tell that to the parents of the 8 year old that gets shot while playing outside…or to the person who gets stabbed while riding the subway home from work. I’m not making this up nor am I politically biased about it. I don’t sugar coat the truth..it is what it is. Unless you have some kind empirical knowledge on crime in NYC then I suggest you stay in your lane because your comments are pretty ridiculous…Just sayin.
Alan was a gentleman and a great dinner companion. As to his merits as a reviewer, I do remember a comparative review of 5 or so line stages
@whart — Yay! He did ONE review some time in the past where he actually was accountable for his opinions. That doesn’t absolve him from being a total HACK as a reviewer since then. I don’t give a DAMN about if a reviewer is a good dinner guest — I care ONLY about whether a reviewer gives me useful and hopefully accurate information on whether I want to buy a certain audio component or not. In this critical area, Sircom is a TOTAL FAIL in my experience. And yeah, I’ve written my fair share of audio reviews so I kinda know of which I speak. Have you? If not, just stop. Stop defending this total hack of a reviewer purely on likability or social grounds — it makes you seem like a groupie fool.