NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
I dont know of any better publications which should have been obvious from what I wrote. Most, if not all, pretty much stink and none are oblivious to the pitfalls that are the result of the present model. 

Dude I dont know where you got the idea I was a Trumper nor an alt. right hack. So because I dont support labor and the present union model this makes me alt. right? 

Your move from Brandon Lee to Trump is sad. I thought we were discussing unions and gun safety. Trump has nothing to do with what was being discussed.

Well you certainly have me on the run now and your ability to stay on point is admirable. Any additional ridiculous assumptions in your near future? 

All I can say about Trump is that I hope we have seen the last of this one. Problem is that you guys keep bringing him up and will be responsible for his resurgence as much as any of his supporters. Why dont you guys just mail him a check!

Since it all went over your head, the reference to Brandon Lee being killed while on set was a disparagement to union workers, long the ire of the alt right. My response was, since you want to change the subject with some juvenile snark, I'll do you one better. 

That was to woodchucksage's response and not to you. In case you hadn't noticed, there's a lot of convos going on in this thread and not all aren't directed to you.

But by all means, go ahead and take offense.

All the best,

Not sure how you segued from me correcting the fact that it was Bruce Lee’s son Brandon who was killed on set not Bruce Lee to Donald Trump? Perhaps you thought I was referencing a current meme? I was not. I was just pointing out a factual error that is of significance to me.
BTW, all this political BS (regardless of the side) is beyond tedious.
I also see that you decided to insult me by altering my moniker because I chose to correct a factual error. Mighty mature of you. But it’s my mistake for bothering to post here. Mea Culpa.

I’m out.