A sincere Thank You to AudiogoN members for the congeniality and sharing!

I have been a member since near the beginning. As you all know we live in a massively
over populated world with all of the problems that come because of it. In my contact with
people in different settings this lack of civility is all to apparent. (I did have a member that
became a problem and with AudiogoN’s help I changed my user name and that person is
no longer on AudiogoN.)  For some reason this post is coming up in a strange manner as 
to the paragraphs placement/spacing?

So I do want to thank all the members of AudiogoN, for being the haven it is for me.

I hope you don't banish me. I'm all for free speech and thought and my first thought is when you start out with "massively overpopulated world" is who get's to decide that? When we make statements like that we never think about who it is that gets to be eliminated or reduced in population to meet some arbitrary number that some mastermind thinks is the appropriate amount for this world. Just believe it's always somebody else they are thinking of.
I think that all parts of  the world is less massively populated than less well distributed in the  general wealth...

Overpopulation is not the problem, insane wealth for only few is....

Could be thinking of something else, but I thought I read that everyone on earth could fit into the state of Texas with one acre of land or something like that. So over population is not the problem. Distribution of resources is the problem.