Tube vs solid state (with all apologies)

So… I’ve been building guitar amps for a few years… and very familiar with tubes and circuitry…  and just entering the audiophile world. 
Is there a definitive opinion or discussion somewhere for help in determining where and or when to apply either?
If you can build tube amps then it seems that is the direction to go. Make your own. Maybe look at  and google "DIY audio" to find sites with kits, or parts and circuits. Lots out there. Since you can build your own,, I bet you'll find it more satisfying and engaging. Being hands on, listening and tweaking as you go, you will get to know and hear all the shades of difference between tube types and circuit designs just as you have with guitar amps.
Clearthinker, the springs inside the power tubes push the music out. transistors do not have springs.
Tube vs ss.
 Mids and high frequency to me are much sweeter with tubes. Ss is most dominant in the bass. Bi- amp your speakers have the best of both worlds 
Tubes if you are a hobbyist and like to fiddle around and roll them and deal with problems (how often depends on the amp). You can get a great sound for solid state with no hassle. My motto KISS.
When it comes to reliability questions in the tube vs. solid state argument, I can only say that over the years I've gotten more reliability from my tube gear than from my solid state gear. I ain't gonna name names here, but if pressed I might lose my composure and begin to blab.