Dynaudio Contour 30i or Sonus Faber Olympica II

Hello Guys. I'm torn between this two speakers but sadly my dealer doesn't have on stock any on them so demoing is not possible. What is the sound signature of each? Olympica II is a bit pricer at 6k USD while the dyns are 4.5k USD (Both prices are for new).  What would be your choice and why?

Buy the LSA-20 Signature or Statements (available here) and save yourself $$$. No affiliation with the company BTW.  They targeted Joseph Audio for performance, and IMO JA beats both SF and Dynaudio. Or, just pay more. Read the reviews — when reviewers buy the review samples it says A LOT. Best of luck.

I wouldn't buy without hearing.

I own Sonus fabers and like them - there's a lot of great speakers at 4-6k.
I bought Sonus Gaber Olympica 3 without heating them… I did. Lot of research and had purchased a set of Cremona as a test to verify my belief that SF was the right was to go. It was. I now own a pair of Sonus Faber Amati Traditional.

I was a planar speakers person until initiating season tickets at the symphony, 7th row center. I quickly began refocusing my system on musical and accurate speakers / system. Sonus Faber + Audio Research has improved all of the genera of music and made my system an incredible joy to listen to…

Click on my ID to see my system.

Sonus Faber 👍 They look good also.