CAL Alpha and an Equalizer

Hi all, Hope you can please bear with me through this post to explain my findings, and a possible solution?

About 5-6 months ago, I bought a mint CAL Alpha DAC from another A-goner here, and have posted before, about its characteristics, and sound.

I don't believe there is anything specifically wrong with it per se, just typicaly Alpha sound.

Well, first thing I did notice when replacing my long owned CAL Sigma II DAC, was a very "lean" glassy, analytical, and very hot sound, like the DAC was hitting my Mac Pre-Amp a bit too much on the hot side.

I have bought a pair of Endler's 12 Step Attenuators, and that solved the hot output, but it still sounds a bit lean. Can an EQ be inserted between the DAC, and Pre-Amp? Mark
Hiend2, You stated the attenuators will upset the input impedance? I assume you mean the input impedence going into my preamplifier, correct?

Cann anyone else comment about this? I'll ask too, Scott Endler about this.

Then you say Hiend, "Get the Alpha"? Get the Alpha what??? lol Mark
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Hi Bob, Thank you for your response, and assurance that I didn' make a mistake about the Attenuators.

At the time, I hadn't thought of this, but I recall Cal Audio Labs used to ship the Alpha DAC from the factory with some resistors to alter-modify voltage output if needed, and these would be soldered in somewhere in the output within the unit.

As far as I can see, and understand, the Endler Attenuators gave me the same end result without the need of tearing into the unit, and soldering resistors, and also the advantage of variable output to whatever I desire with these 12 step Attenuators Robert Endler makes which I believe go from 4db to 48db cut.

I knew right away with this Alpha that the Alpha was much higher output versus my year's ago vought new Sigma II, as I can barely get my Mac MX-130's to 11, and it's blowing you our of the house, and makes you put your hands over your ears with such a shrill, len sound. Truthfully, I feel my Sigma II to be a better sounding unit, and this shouldn't be considering the higher original price of the Alpha.

I had perhaps considering buying, and inserting something like the Berhinger DEQ2496 between the DAC and Pre-Amp, and also as another option perhaps even trying the DEQ2496 elsewhere in the chain between Pre Amp-Amp?

Of course I have Bass+Treble Tone controls on the MX-130, and could perhaps just turn up the bass higher, and turn down the treble below flat a bit? Mark
FWIW, I have both the Alpha (original, not the 24/96 version) and Sigma II and driven by the Delta there is not a huge difference in sound. I think the Alpha is more detailed and may have a tad more extension in the bass and highs but its subtle and on causual listening its hard to distinguish them. What does seem to make a difference though is using a different transport with the Alpha (than the Delta) and not running them thru seperate filters on a power conditioner. Especially the latter. I'm not sure it's relevant but my Delta has a high output much like the Alpha, both of which are well over the nominal 2v of my other CDP's.
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