Wow. So many reasons to be disappointed by this thread.
There’s no shortage of hate these days, guys and gals. So why create more? Listening to music and pursuing the perfect reproduction of Live is inherently a beautiful thing. But it's not infallible. Let’s try to keep left, right, and center limited to channels here. I get it — for some people, anger is delicious. But not everything that’s delicious is good for us. Personally, I put anger in the same category as high fructose corn syrup — neither one benefits our life experience.
Let’s dial it down a notch. This a hobby that brings great pleasure to us all. I don’t come here to stoke the fire within me. Quite the opposite. A little awareness goes a long way.
I keep my politics as far away from my hobbies as I can. It takes effort sometimes. But I’m better for the practice.