Rumble (sub-sonic) in any system is not good unless it is designed for it.
I have spent considerable time at Masterdisk in NYC. Previously owned by Bob Ludwig and currently by Scott Hull. They would always check for
rumble in the master disk they cut. The turntable is in a different room and here are the speakers they use: Hartley 24" subs which will play down to 7hz. They don't flutter but you can sure feel it!
This has been a public service announcement.
BTW, I own a pair of Hartley Reference which is the same cabinet and woofers along with a full complement of drivers.
I have spent considerable time at Masterdisk in NYC. Previously owned by Bob Ludwig and currently by Scott Hull. They would always check for
rumble in the master disk they cut. The turntable is in a different room and here are the speakers they use: Hartley 24" subs which will play down to 7hz. They don't flutter but you can sure feel it!
This has been a public service announcement.
BTW, I own a pair of Hartley Reference which is the same cabinet and woofers along with a full complement of drivers.