I'm listening to Jethro Tull "Benefit" on some audio-technica ATH-A700s I picked up used locally on Craig's List as I write. I have enjoyed them to compare with my KRK KNS 8400s. Both are pretty nice sounding, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. But now I feel it is time for something a little different or maybe less mainstream.
Perhaps modified Grado sound from Alessandro. Or the German Maestro GMP 8.35d? Or the Mad Dog modified Fostex orthodynamic phones seem very intriguing.
Then what about tube rolling for my Little Dot...
This has definitely been worth the effort, enjoying phones for the first time in many years. Music hobby while sitting at my desk.
Perhaps modified Grado sound from Alessandro. Or the German Maestro GMP 8.35d? Or the Mad Dog modified Fostex orthodynamic phones seem very intriguing.
Then what about tube rolling for my Little Dot...
This has definitely been worth the effort, enjoying phones for the first time in many years. Music hobby while sitting at my desk.