full range single speaker

Hi everyone,

im searching users opinions about the sound of a single full range speaker vs 3 ways full range. Its true that a single full range cannot play more that 80db??I read something about that. MY research is about fostex,seas and voxativ full range speaker..My listening position is at 1.5m of the front of my speaker and my room have 60 cubic meter

thanks in advance
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210 posts
08-27-2012 3:40pm
The best full range speakers can do some things really well, better than any other type,

AS I looked over the many posts which I made some months back on this topic, I was not happy about some of my opinions,,so I went and deleted all.

THe above quote  pretty much sums up what I feel about a  higher end FR speaker.
But you are free to disagree and argue all you care to.
'm just stating from experience,
nada mas , nada menos
So your couple hundred buck W B ers are not the best speakers on earth anymore?