NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
@missioncoonery the Obama, Bush did that also. Not as a policy but it was dines and has been documented. They also used cages.
Just stating known facts.
half of Congress wants to deal with it while the other half is enjoying the show hoping it will make Biden look bad.

I don't think anyone has to make Biden look bad, he does that all by himself.
The cages were temporary and not a means of internment, which Rump used them for. He needed his photo op to show the immigrants on their way that this would happen to them if they tried to come here. 

Gotta hand to that dirtbag, Steven Miller. He was behind all the cruelty and depravity of Rump's immigration policy. Not that he needed him as they both thought alike. Miller was just more intelligent and ruthless.

All the best,
@missioncoonery I am a Democrat and yes it is known fact.

Geez get over it. I see how you are. Not going get pulled into your vortex of political crap.