As others have said, rid yourself of them. Having said that you are looking at parting out a record collection. Possible more of a PITA than actually parting out a car, and possibly more work… just less grease. Anyway, how many records are we talking here! 20? 500? That will make a big difference. The vinyl that got wet is probably fine, unless the sleeves got wet and dried (stuck) to the vinyl. The sleeves will be ruined for the most part in terms of value. With so many different versions, pressings, sources etc of albums these days it would be an arduous task to go through them to find if there are any gems. Even if there were, no chance you are going to recoup much. Might be better to just dump the lot and be done with it, not going to get much, but they are out of the basement and out of your hair. Good luck. Humans suck sometimes.