Is it Possible??

Is it possible for speakers to sound better when you hear them while sitting in a different room that the speakers are in or when you stand behind them?  If so why does this occur and what can I do to improve my listening experience while sitting in the same room as the audio gear. 
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First: You do not need new speakers. This can be corrected with a few things. I would get some room treatments at your first reflection points. On the floor, side walls, and maybe the ceiling. Also, you might be getting some slap back from the back wall. The great thing is you are talking about fixing higher frequencies. You only need an inch or two of material to do this. You can try using household goods like blankets and pillows to see if it will make a difference, which it will. Second: a heavier gauge power cord on at least the Hegel. You can demo some of this pretty easy. If you use solid core vs stranded it will knock it down even more but you might not have to. Plus, You will love the headroom you get from this. This could be done with $100-300 dollars on the used market like Puritan which will only set you back about $200. Third: I love Murrow Audio but unless you go to their top products they can knock down the bass a little. I don’t mind this because they have great smooth detail and I can pick up the bass with subwoofers.  You can swap out your speaker cables with some thicker copper cables and /or add a subwoofer or better yet two. When you add the bass it can blend with your speakers and knock them down a peg. Before you drop thousands on a new set of speakers I would try to fix these other issues first. Some times I tell people start from the beginning which is the power from the wall. By getting a Puritan PSM156 power conditioner and the new GroundMaster City you can be correcting all of your system at once. You would be amazed at the extra things you cannot usually hear in the music because it is masked by crap from the electricity in your wall or all the pollution in the air like WIFI, Bluetooth, and cell signals.  A friend plugged in his noise tester in his kitchen and was getting ESPN 1000 radio station clear as a bell. He installed the Puritan products and noise tested from the Puritan PSM156 power conditioner and had no noise what’s so ever. With the addition of a Puritan Ground Master his system has the quietest noise floor you can imagine. If you are in the Chicagoland area this store lets you demo gear before you buy to help audiophiles like us fix issues we had no control over like outlets in our houses that can get radio stations.
It doesn’t matter how awesome your gear is if the power from the wall is crap. 

If you like that sound I have a pair of Bose 901’s I would be happy to sell you. 90% of their sound is reflected off the back wall. You can also set them up backwards if you like.
Thxs for your suggestions, I purchased the Puritan PSM 156 a few months ago, I forgot to list it in my component listing.  Very pleased with it and yes it has made a difference.  Are you suggesting that I upgrade the existing power cord on the Puritan?