High Fidelity Sound Speaker

Here is what I call High Fidelity Sound.
Sorry if you have issues making a  determination

**Ohh YT compression,,,ohh comp speakers can reveal the actual in room listening experience,,,, cheap cam micing...**
WEll I can.
This is probably the very finest sound I've ever herad froma  spaker.
Thing is, fouund this video while continuing my research on my next speaker build
Fostex Sigma 8 + Fostex Sigma 4 
The Sigma 4 is in this video.
No doubt,  and now i understand what you guys were getting at about **The whizzer thing** making unwanted resonances.
Got it
No whizzer.
Project should be up by may 2022.
Going to sell the DLVX8
TB2145 Good
DLVX8 Better
Fostex Sigma 8 The Best

I'd like to see any xover type design beat out this Fostex Sigma 106. 


I won't comment on the sound of a video (pointless), but, what I see is a two-way employing a wide range driver in what is probably a transmission line enclosure and a bullet tweeter on top.  This type of speaker can be quite nice sounding, but, nothing is earthshattering or revolutionary about this approach.  In my system, I utilize an almost identical Fostex horn tweeter; it is an okay device, but, there are plenty of other tweeters that also perform well.  
earthshattering or revolutionary about this approach. In my system, I utilize an almost identical Fostex horn tweeter; it is an okay device, but, there are plenty of other tweeters that also perform well.  

I was aware of this WAW design til this year, so its new to me.
The sound is fantastic.
Yes agree, there are countless tweeter types avaliable, 
No problem finding a  good tweeter.
I prefer the dome types. 
The video you posted in the OP was the closest to good sound of any video you have ever posted...by far. That speaker has cabinets engineered to work with the driver. It also has subwoofers and ribbon tweeters (GASP!).

I'm sure  his recorder is far superior to my Sony Cam at $100. But yes its really  a clean sound as ALL  the comments on his YT page agree upon. Apparently not all agree here on Audiogon.  aka The Experts in sound.

Dont care for ribbons, 
Domes please.
The guy did his homework and found a  incredible synergy. 
I'm still working on my system.

The other vid with a  Single FE6 is only to demonstrate the power and ability of  a  W6 FR.
Not bad for a  single W6. 

Yes my system is not a    single FR its what they call WAW, FR +  woofer/tweeter assist.

That speaker has cabinets engineered to work with the driver.
This went right over your head. If you don't understand it, maybe you should figure out what is meant. You don't have cabinets designed for the driver, and that is why you will be forever stuck with mediocre sound.

 But yes its really a clean sound
Dont care for ribbons,
If the driver sounds good, how does it matter what type it is? That is truly bizarre thinking. 

mozartfan, are you off your meds again? You really are not making much sense.