How do you listen?

Forgive me for having the impression that proper audiophilism involves assuming a comfortable sited position at the triangular apex of two fixed points with a meditative smile as aural sweetness is mindfully digested. My problem is I am a modern multi tasking spastic and cannot sit still without reading, watching silent football games, yelling at my kid, etc.etc. Is there a trick to achieving the serene stillness that I think many of you were divinely gifted?
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Is there a trick to achieving the serene stillness that I think many of you were divinely gifted?
There is no trick. Simply ensure that your choice of music and the quality of your system are excellent. Both of these attributes will compel you to calm down.
Is there a trick to achieving the serene stillness that I think many of you were divinely gifted?

in no particular order:

have the mental discipline to calm and clear your mind in order to enjoy
love music for its beauty and excitement
have a great system to pleases and lets the music through without distraction

I multitask as well, but not always. It just depends on my mood and what I put on. It is a very purposeful thing.