Hegel H390 in my experience. I preferred it to McIntosh MA352 (overly saturated and flat soundstage) and LTA Z10 (a bit thin sounding but amazingly transparent). I would put it up there with Pass XA25 and First Watt SIT-3 power amps I had before (using digital volume control, so no preamp influence there). Not quite as sweet and dense as the Pass stuff, but a little more detail, significantly more bass authority and cleanliness, bigger soundstage. Overall the Hegel is a better all rounder with a lot more features. I got mine new for a good chunk under $5k.
I haven't heard the Coda CSiB but was looking hard at it before I went whole hog and replaced the Hegel with something much more pricey.
I haven't heard the Coda CSiB but was looking hard at it before I went whole hog and replaced the Hegel with something much more pricey.