That Other Audiophile Website

Let's not forget. My negative review about the cd player was removed. This takes away the ability of other buyers to make an informed decision.
I buy nothing from these website because I don’t want trauma of deal with this kind of people. Go to dealer and negotiate like real man to man and tell what you want and you get it. You buy use pants? I don’t want someone else problems and kharma coming to my house no thank dealing with some these people like dealing with city bum.
 The Carpathian..You can't smell cigarette smoke by looking at a picture. The seller made no mention of cigarette smoke in his ad. A piece of audio gear can be made of 24kt gold, but if it smells like cigarette smoke it's not worth one red cent to me.
That other audio site is trying to perpetuate a squeaky clean image. Other audiophiles have posted having the same problem as me with that web site. I'm not the only one

I see seller's on that site with negative feedback, so they must weed out the unreasonable negative feedback.
Tominnj, it’s clear cigarette smoke is unacceptable to you and a real point of contention. It appears you’ve had this same issue on previous purchases. With this being such a high priority for you in used equipment selection do you ever ask a seller if the piece of equipment you are interested in purchasing has ever been exposed to cigarette smoke? If not, why?