That Other Audiophile Website

Let's not forget. My negative review about the cd player was removed. This takes away the ability of other buyers to make an informed decision.
I never knew that Audiomart had a forum section or an auction section. Thanks for pointing it out.

So, your sole reason for not wanting it was that it was stinky. Ok. Understandable.
But, that is the chance you take when buying used, especially when you made the deal knowing it was a no guarantee, no return deal.
arch2 makes a good point; if it’s that important to you, why didn’t you ask if it came from a smoke free environment?
Now, if you, prior to purchase asked the seller if it came from a smoke free home and he told you yes, then you would have a legitimate beef.
But you didn’t. So you don’t.
It seems like integrity by the seller doesn’t matter anymore.
How about buyer integrity?
Methinks there is more to the story than what is being told on these here pages.
Or what isn't being told...
I feel like on side of op a little with issue. Addict lie and guy that sold it addict to smoke. Some say not his fault he have disable but he know amp would not have sold if put “smoke like coal miner” on ad. Maybe the guy ashamed and need help. Invite him to conversation you have email tell him we help him.