Magico, Aerial, Dali

I have my next speaker upgrade narrowed down to the Magico V2's, Aerial 7t's, and Dali Helicon 400 MK2's. The only problem is I haven't heard any of them in my own system consisting of ARC LS17SE pre, and Bryston 4Bsst2 amp. I can get the Magico's for a decent price but they're still more expensive than the other options and the dealer will not let me demo at home unless I pay him. I thought this was odd and kind of turned me off to this dealer in general. Seems like for that kind of money in this economy the dealer should be willing to let a serious buyer demo at home.
I heard the 7t's on ARC reference and Levinson amps and was very impressed. Hard not to be with those kind of components. The Dali's are less expensive and I heard them on much cheaper gear but they still sounded fabulous. The dealer has arranged a demo later this week. If I went that route I'd have some money left over to buy a phono pre. I currently have the Aerial 6's and like their sound but they're not enough speaker for my room and if I sell now I can get the same amount that I bought them for.
Does anyone have experience with these three speaker's and/or companies? I am looking for detail, transparency, and realism. Any suggestions? Are the Magico's worth the extra money? I know it comes down to subjective taste, but is there a consensus on what the strengths are of each of these speakers?
I mostly listen to vocals but depending on my mood I'll listen to almost every genre with the exception of hip-hop and rap. I've been listening to a lot of acoustic guitar and percussion guitar lately too. When I'm working, I'll listen to classical and speakers that can recreate the feeling I get when I go to the symphony impress me the most. I asked the local Dali dealer about the 800's but he said the midrange on the 800's wasn't as good as the 400's. He also mentioned that if I wanted the impact of the 800's he knew of some subs that would be more than adequate for less money than the difference I'd be paying for the 800's.
I need to ask my dealer more about the ms4's. Did your friend have the original 400 or the newer 400 mk2's?
He had the original 400, and while for the price it was quite good, the MS4 was significantly better in all ways, as it should at double the price.
Have you considered the new Joseph Audio Perspectives?

They are around the price range of the others you are looking at and work well in the room size you have.

***Joseph Dealer Disclaimer***
Hi Minibox,

I have heard all three speakers you are interested in and wrote a review on the 7T for my website It's always personal taste and system synergy, but I found the Aerial Acoustics 7T to be a much better performing speaker then your other choices. For details why take a look at my review.