New Mojo Mystique X

Who has ordered the new Mystique X being released later this year? I was going to buy a used Mystique V3 but they are just impossible to find. Ben had a possible trade in unit for me but the owner decided not to go ahead.

The new models carry quite a price and to take advantage of the introductory discount it seems they have to be bought unheard, just going on previous models’ reputations. Could those who are buying the new model please share their reasons why.
A bit more about the EVO...

Our current EVOs use the same circuit boards as our original EVO sold from 2019-2021. The chassis is new but the guts are identical.

It was only because of delivery issues with our former chassis manufacturer that we made this product change.

Hopefully we’ll have actual photos of the new chassis on our website in the next week. We’ve been so busy getting out EVO back orders we’ve not had a spare DAC to photograph.

We will have some trickle-down technology from our new top-of-the-line DAC in 2022 that can upgrade any 2019-2021 EVOs.

Boards with our new S/PDIF upgrades, power supply upgrades, and the PCM63 DAC chip, will be available for your EVO mid to late 2022.

During the upgrade we’ll completely remove and replace your current boards with these new boards.

If USB is your high-performance digital input, there would be no benefit from the new digital input board. The only advantage would be if your reference digital source is a high-end CD transport.

The new analog board will include the PCM63 DAC chip and power supply upgrades. This will be an excellent upgrade to any 2019-2021 EVO.

These upgrades will be an excellent high-value upgrade option for customers who are not trading in their EVO toward one of our new top-of-the-line 2022 DACs.
I have previously owned several Lector CDP 7TL CD players, including a MkII that had the BB-PCM63 20-bit DAC chipset, and the otherwise identical MkIII that used the newer BB-PCM1704 24-bit chipset.  The PCM1704 chip was said to be just a little more accurate with better resolution but some (including me) found the PCM63 chip to be more musical with a more engaging tone.  As I recall, there were (at least) three types of PCM63 chips, with the PCM63P-K providing the highest dynamic range and lowest harmonic distortion.  Below is a description of the chip:
The PCM63P is a precision 20-bit digital-to-analog converter with ultra-low distortion (–96dB max with a full scale output; PCM63P-K). Incorporated into thePCM63P is a unique Colinear dual-DAC per channel architecture that eliminates unwanted glitches and other nonlinearities around bipolar zero. The PCM63P also features a very low noise (116dB max SNR;A-weighted method) and fast settling current output(200ns typ, 2mA step) which is capable of 16-times oversampling rates.  Applications include very low distortion frequency synthesis and high-end consumer and professional digital audio applications.
@fuzzbutt17 Wow! new models and new upgrades to the EVO already? I just received my Mojo EVO 2021 B4B 2 weeks ago! In any case, I will be coming back for more of that music Mojo. That PCM63 DAC chip and SPDIF upgrade (I spin CD's) sound very promising and interesting - I hope you have a nice returning customer discount too :)

The EVO 2021 has been a wonderful DAC and the first component change that has totally transformed my system. And it continues to amaze me as I continue to "burn it in". When I added the First Watt Sit-3 into my audio set up, I was happy you could get some of that SET magic/tone from a solid state amp, and then when I introduced the Shindo Masseto preamp into the setup, I got more of that 3D dimensional body and meat on the bones in the music. When I added the EVO into the setup, I (finally) started to enjoy and listen and move to the music, and stopped thinking about and analyzing the sound. With prior DACs in my system (Borderpatrol SE-i, TotalDAC D1-core), I was always analyzing soundstage width/depth, instrument separation, tonality etc. Although these previous DAC's had moments of "pop" and "excitement", but in the back of mind, those moments always felt exaggerated. To be clear, I am not trying to disparage these other DACs, they are very good DACs at their price points. And given the subjectiveness of audio perception, these "exaggerations" could be another person's musical bliss. Pick your own poison as they say.... 

One of the pieces of music that I use as a litmus test is a Chesky recording of Earl Wild (pianist) playing with a full orchestra. Supposedly a very good recording, but it was probably the piece that I skipped past the most when i played that album. The piano tonality was off and just sounded flat, and overall it was like hearing the piano "versus" the orchestra. With the EVO, the piano came alive, and I could finally hear and enjoy Earl Wild's masterful and nuanced articulation, and, Earl Wild and the orchestra "playing together" and "having a high energy conversation". Quite frankly, I continued to play that piece (even though i didn't enjoy it that much) each time I introduce a new component into my system because, subconsciously, I guess I was hoping to see which component change would stop me in my tracks to have a second listen.  Every CD I have put on since the EVO arrived, the immediate reaction has not been "wow, I am hearing this new detail or that new detail" (though this is true), but I am just smiling and enjoying the music immensely. The recorded trumpet has always been a tough instrument for me to appreciate because it sounded harsh and lacked richness, but all that changed with the EVO. I actually started to like listening to the trumpet, and I am developing a new found appreciation for Miles Davis.

Apologies for the long post, but all of that is to say that if Benjamin can bring some of that high end Mojo to lower (relatively speaking) price points, and also offer existing EVO owners a high value upgrade that gets us within reasonable striking distance of the new EVO63 (without shelling out $15-$20K), that sounds like a good thing to me.