Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.

I liked the video and think it is right on the money on all points. I feel sorry for him that he listens to such a small percentage of his collection. They are wasting space. I started buying records 40+ years ago, and listen to 90%+ of them at least 3-4 times a year.  When CDs came out, they sounded like crap. Digital has gotten a lot better. Because of my record collection, I have continued to strategically improve the analogue set up. Stopped buying CDs once records started getting made again. Disconnected the CD player about 15 years ago, and now just listen in the car, garage and downloaded them to my iPhone. 

I agree with the one poster who detests record scalpers (ticket scalpers too). 

If I had no music and was starting out as an audiophile with limited budget like I did in college, I am sure that I would stream to the best of its ability. It is a pain trying to find things on vinyl, although it is getting better. I have no problem with the hipsters getting into vinyl because they think it's cool. If they help build the market, vinyl will be kept alive, unlike CDs which are dying off. It's hard for someone to say CDs are better than streaming, although I am sure there are a few SACD exceptions where the full file isn't streamed and it sounds better.

I have maybe 6 albums that snap crackle or pop out of 1200.
50 years and still love my vinyl and I do enjoy digital but not like I do vinyl.
Three reasons not to buy a turntable: snapcracklepop @vladtheimpala Three reasons not to buy a turntable: snapcracklepop @vladtheimpala Three reasons not to buy a turntable: snapcracklepop @vladtheimpala Three reasons not to buy a turntable: snapcracklepop @vladtheimpala Three reasons not to buy a turntable: snapcracklepop
Dear @jerryg123 : ""  afford the studio time it was laid to tape and is analog...""

There is where starts the analog higher distortions, the tape is totally imperfect for recording " analog " when in digital there is no single trouble about and way lower distortions.

Anyway, due that you have a misunderstood of my points or that I just did not explain it very well is useless to argue with you on that very specific issue facts because I'm not talking of what we like but what is rigth or wrong..  Each one of us like what we like and this is all what matters.

"... dihedra of the brain." Spock would mutter in a 'lisp-y fashion'....


I can only 'scribe it to a 'locking groove' in ones' grey goo...

My nightly weird query is:

What happened to the laser-tipped LP player that was going to:

'Revolutionize LP Playback!  No contact, no noise, nothing but the music!'

It came, it went, it left no trace nor mention of spiralizing any vinyls.....

Did dust mote detection sound like hitting a boulder @ 176mph?  (Scaled Down, of course...)

...personally, I like CDs' that exhibit the digital version of a 'locking groove'.... 

Have one with the 'magic factor', a random reverse to anywhere on the disc....
It literally will play until you stop it.  Endless on 'n on 'n on 'n anon....
Fun to play to 'highly altered people' who suspect nothing but expect 'something' to occur....

"Wow.....that's a long CD......"  3ish hours later....

"Really?  What part did you like?" *snarky S*....
@rauliruegas you are right there is a misunderstanding as I can not understand what you are trying to convey.

I am done with this thread, time to move on.

Have a wonderful evening and listen to some music my friend.