Dear @jerryg123 : ""
afford the studio time it was laid to tape and is analog...""
There is where starts the analog higher distortions, the tape is totally imperfect for recording " analog " when in digital there is no single trouble about and way lower distortions.
Anyway, due that you have a misunderstood of my points or that I just did not explain it very well is useless to argue with you on that very specific issue facts because I'm not talking of what we like but what is rigth or wrong.. Each one of us like what we like and this is all what matters.
There is where starts the analog higher distortions, the tape is totally imperfect for recording " analog " when in digital there is no single trouble about and way lower distortions.
Anyway, due that you have a misunderstood of my points or that I just did not explain it very well is useless to argue with you on that very specific issue facts because I'm not talking of what we like but what is rigth or wrong.. Each one of us like what we like and this is all what matters.