Why the hate for mcintosh amps?

Why dont people,like mcintosh? Who motivates this?

so what are the alternatives??

Okay, that makes total sense. My listening room is 500 square feet in size. I like as much bass as the musician or band intended. I think our          B & Ws do a decent job reproducing almost anything that we put through them. I like a lot of different genres of music. I’m not big into rap. If a person listened to a lot of rap, the subwoofer would be nice to have. I’ve never owned any McIntosh gear. I wouldn’t be adverse to giving a listen to McIntosh when my Bryston components give in. That is likely a long time down the road. I love my Bryston gear. I would like to hear a comparison of my Bryston setup compared to a comparably priced McIntosh setup. That would be interesting.
Mcintosh is like the Rolex of audio gear in the looks department. However in the realm of solid state, one guy on youtube compared a $5,000 Mcintosh amp to a Parasound amp that retailed for just under $1,300 and preferred the Parasound amp on every level. He plans on selling the Mac. I'm not saying everyone should agree but that's one person's take. I'm sure their tube gear is top notch but never heard it.

We shouldn’t take a post comparing a Parasound ampl to any McIntosh amp too seriously. I know my hearing is 99% perfect. The only reason I had my hearing checked is because I have chronic tinnitus. Tinnitus does not affect your hearing. 
My point being is that half of the population over forty years of age is hearing impaired to some degree. A person who is hearing impaired can’t hear the highs and lows like a person with good hearing can. It is just like many sound engineers are hearing impaired because they have been around bombastic sound most or all of their entire employed life. That accounts why so many recordings are recorded way too loud with the bass and treble ramped up. That also holds true for the person who master’s albums. If they can’t hear the bass, or if it doesn’t sound loud enough, crank up the levels!  
I’ve heard a lot of McIntosh amps in my life. I’ve also heard my share of Parasound  amps. I’m fortunate to have a friend who works at the largest high end audio retailer in our large city. They carry McIntosh, Bryston, Meridian, and less expensive audio equipment such as Arcam, Parasound, and Rotel; on and on. I must admit the Parasound amplifiers give great sound for the money. 
I would think that anyone who thinks that Parasound amplifiers are comparable or better than McIntosh amplifiers are one of the following: 1. Completely delusional
2. Have a hearing impairment and are in dire need of seeing an audiologist, stat! 
That’s my take on his post. Campaigner8

I was replying to a question about whether I need a sub with my B&W speakers. This was referenced to my earlier post in this thread about my pairing with my McIntosh amp.