Looking for a SS integrated Amplifier recommendation going into a new system

While waiting for a new speaker delivery, I have some time to start looking for a SS integrated amplifier, and hoping for some recommendations.

The speaker to pair with is Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower with RAAL tweeter option that is around 91dB efficient, and the room size is 12x18x8.  I mostly listen to classical, jazz, female vocal, and the listening level normally is around 85dB, occasionally go up to 90dB.

I originally was looking for class-A integrated amplifier, but now would like to open the possibility to class-A/B as well to see what will be a good match for this new system I am putting together.

BTW, The evo 100 integrated is $2,795. I now run the evo 100 preamp hooked to a parasound halo a21+ amp. Upgraded to NOS tubes and it does wonders in my house of stereo.
It's great if you can afford the Gryphon or Vitus which are priced above $10k with the higher models costing up to $20k. The Luxman at below $10k is "Best Buy". Great value and great sound for your dollar.
Just another 2 cent opinion. With those AMT tweeters and the dimensions of your sound room, I would recommend amplification that is a touch on the warm side, whether you go SS, tube or hybrid, especially if the sweet spot does not have any or much space behind the listener(s) (e. g.  chair or couch up against a wall, bookcase, etc.). Anything ruler flat accurate, I fear, will lead to listener fatigue in short order. McIntosh is a good bet, as well as Musical Fidelity, Luxman, Simaudio Moon and a few others. Good luck!
I just bought a Hegel H390 and am very pleased.  It has everything I need and is the quietest amp/integrated I have ever heard!  If you need more, the H590 might be good for you also.

All the best.

I would take a close look at the Hegel lineup. I have the H190 and I’m very pleased with it and how it marries up with my B&W 702s2 speakers. That said, if your budget is up to $10k the H390 appears to be the sweet spot in the offering.