GR Research Upgrades

Has anyone here had their speakers upgraded at GR and if so, did you hear any significant sonic improvement afterwards?

I was considering sending in a KEF R 11 for them to take a look at and see what recommendations they may offer.

Just the thought of the shipping a speaker to them sends shivers down my spine as I have had one speaker severely damaged during a cross country trek in the past.   

After their analysis, the speaker is then shipped back with all the new part and you do all the modifications yourself, (to both speakers).

Is it worth the risk?
just giving some info that might be of help.     Danny is well known over at AudioCircle , so maybe you could ask this question over there.
Thanks riley804, I'll check it out, but I was specifically asking the AG's here, as l always value their opinions!
The Youtube videos of Danny’s work, always seem logical and make sense to me. He takes measurements, listens, plans the mods, then remeasures and compares the results. His mods typically just try to fix what’s not right, and enhance the "cheese" components with premium parts. I have zero personal experience with GRs speakers and mods, but I do read plenty of positives about Danny and GR around the web. You could certainly do worse.