Noromance-you can say that, but you can also say they don’t sell that many.
IMO, The problem with MC is his overhype of everything Tekton, with or without ever hearing the speaker. I have never ever seen anybody that owns Wilson, Totem, GoldenEar, Revel, Raidho, Usher, or any other top brand speaker (imo) overhype their speakers even when they think they are the best. The last time I remember a product that got overhyped by a few posters was the DK integrated amp 15 years ago and there were many posts from users claiming posters doing the same thing that MC does and I don’t think it ended well for the amp (IMO)
IMO, The problem with MC is his overhype of everything Tekton, with or without ever hearing the speaker. I have never ever seen anybody that owns Wilson, Totem, GoldenEar, Revel, Raidho, Usher, or any other top brand speaker (imo) overhype their speakers even when they think they are the best. The last time I remember a product that got overhyped by a few posters was the DK integrated amp 15 years ago and there were many posts from users claiming posters doing the same thing that MC does and I don’t think it ended well for the amp (IMO)