What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey?

I am older so my radio stations of influence were in their prime during the British invasion and many, many American singers and groups.  
The stations I listen to the most were WLS out of Chicago, KIOA out of Des Moines, KAAY out of Little Rock, Arkansas and KOMA  out of Oklahama.  When I was in the Air Froce I had a few stations near the main base I was stationed at outside of Rapid City, S.D.  
Of course systems and better and better systems and FM became the dominate source for broadcast/online music.  I did learn much of what I liked and eventually purchased through early radio listening.
I still listen to radio mainly for Jazz stations and NPR news. 

CHOM Montreal in the mid 70s.The very best DJs, music and commentary.They were ahead of the game.When up and coming bands were touring there, they usually had the frontman(woman) interviewed live before the gig...
KCAC 1010 AM Phoenix, "The Joint That Gives You The Heaviest Hits", a daylight hour only underground radio station. Frequently broadcast alerts ("Bad brown acid" at the concert, "Don’t come bustable, or you’re likely to be burned") and was non-commercial, free-form radio. Later morphed to KDKB FM, "Flagship station of the Dwight Karma Broadcasting Network" (the one and only Dwight Karma station!). Had some really good times there on-air (and off) with DJs "Toad Hall", "The Amoeba", William Edward Compton (aka "BS Bill") and a few other pals.
Growing up in Seattle, my first listening was to KAYO, an AM country station.  My parents liked country music and it's what I first started listening to. 

Then I discovered pop and rock and KJR AM, and then KISW for "heavier" rock and KZOK for "album oriented rock" (as well as crazy stuff like Dr. Demento).  Later, many of the KISW DJs left and went to KXRX, which was a great station while it lasted. 

In the 90s (not exactly my youth anymore), there was KNDD and all the "alternative" bands like Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Janes Addiction, and so much more.  When alternative started to transition away from the "grunge" sound, I lost interest and "mellowed out" to KMTT (The Mountain) which played " Adult Album Alternative". 

I grew tired of that and for many years stopped listening to radio for the most part when most radio stations were taken over by "personalities" that were all talk and no music. 

These days I listen to KNKX while working.  NPR news in the morning and afternoon and great jazz and blues the rest of the time and a good signal.
KPFA, KPFB in Berkeley, KFCF in Fresno- the later reached my adolescent home town in Tulare Co, and Tuesday night was  Maximum Rock and Roll in the early 80's
Dr. Donald D Rose. Think he was out of L.A. That was AM Radio. 
KMSL in Santa Rosa Cal. one of the earlier FM stations that played the long version of songs to long for AM radio. You could hear the people in the sound booth that you knew weren't supposed to be there !!!
They went off the air during a set No doubt they were smokin up in the booth! Good times.