Music is not there to be loved only , like we love our most precious esthetic values and chosen love one or our childs...
Music is to be thought of like a "mystery at play" in our body and mind and soul, and we must wait for a new surprizing and sometimes troubling revelation each time ....Music teach us something and is not only an esthetical possession by our feeling, it is also an ethical an spiritual education of the will, a yoga... ...
But we must be ready...
I was ready to welcome Philip Glass....
This music is at the genius level of Wagner not so much by creating something ideologically "new" like in the Wagner purely "german" case, but by reinitializing ancient spiritual experience in the brain/heart stratas of all humans....
My best to all....
Music is to be thought of like a "mystery at play" in our body and mind and soul, and we must wait for a new surprizing and sometimes troubling revelation each time ....Music teach us something and is not only an esthetical possession by our feeling, it is also an ethical an spiritual education of the will, a yoga... ...
But we must be ready...
I was ready to welcome Philip Glass....
This music is at the genius level of Wagner not so much by creating something ideologically "new" like in the Wagner purely "german" case, but by reinitializing ancient spiritual experience in the brain/heart stratas of all humans....
My best to all....