Wadia 302 Direct to amp or via pre-amp

Wadia recommends that my 302 sounds best when connect to the amp and further recommends that its output be adjusted so that on its output scale of 1 to 100 it output should be in the top third of its range (67 or higher) and if it so regularily fall lower than 50 you should increase the level of its varible output control.

Wadia go on to recommend that when connected to a pre-amp you should run the metered out put level at 99(max) for best performance.

What I can understand, if 99 is the best when using a pre-amp, wouldn't 67+ be a degredation direct into an amp?

If I wanted to do an A/B comparison and assuming that my CDP's meter said 75 wouldn't I get a truer comparison of the quality of the sound by making it the same when I processed it thru a pre-amp.

I'm having a hard time understanding Wadia's position on this. Help......

The volume in a Wadia (at least my 861SE)can be manipulated in two ways:

1) Digital Volume Control (1-100). By setting to 100, you have essentially bypassed the Digital Volume Control. If you use a preamp, you should set the DVC to 100. Do not use 99. In my system, I can hear dramatic differences between 99 and 100.

2) Dip Switches/attenuators. If at the 100 setting the volume is too low or high for a target preamp volume position, set the dip switches inside the cdp to increae or attenuate the signal. This is done in the analog domain so is not as detrimental. If using a preamp, don't use the DVC to adjust the volume.

Running direct vs through a preamp has pro's and con's and there are many Wadia threads that go into this.
Neither o fthe Wadias I have owned have had a 100 volume setting - just 99, so I can't comment on Aoliviero's experience. In my systemthere isn't a significant difference between 98 and 99, or any close volume settings. If you have a 100, though, definitely try it.

If you want to do an A/B comparison of the sound with and without a pre-amp, first set the volume of the Wadia direct into the amps at the desired listening level. It should be over 67, as Wadia says. If not, open the unit and set the dip switches. Then connect your pre-amp and adjust the pre-amp until the volume is the same. Your pre-amp is now set at unity gain, meaning it doesn't change the volume. Once set up, this is the easiest way to swap back and forth. To change the volume, use the volume control on the Wadia. That way, when you swap the preamp in and out, the volume will be the same, whether the pre-amp is in the chain or not. This will give you a good idea of what your pre-amp is doing. I suppose the best way to run the test, though, would be to play the Wadia at full volume when connected to the pre-amp, and adjust volume with the pre, as you would do in real life. The problem with this is that most pre-amps are very difficult to get repeatable volume settings with, so you are likely to be listening slightly louder or softer, which will skew your results.

My experience with preamps is that they degrade resolution, but provide a richer sound. Much is made fo the degradation of resolution when using the Wadia digital volume control, but I don't find this to be the case. Plugging in a pre-amp creates a much more noticable loss of resolution than dropping the volume from 99 to 70 (which you can play with either by having the Wadia plugged into a pre-amp and turning down the Wadia then turning up the preamp, or by listening without a pre amp, then plugging the Wadia into a pre-amp, setting its volume to 99 and adjusting the preamp's volume).
I doubt that there are many who can hear the resolution loss from 100 to 80, or even 70. If you can then you've got the golden ears. Still I would prefer a volume control that functions in the analog domain rather than the digital. What you're saying Newbee makes sense but whether the differences are audible I don't know.