If you upgraded a point-to-point wired tube amp or preamp, what did you upgrade?
I assume capacitors, but was there anything else which you upgraded that made a genuine difference for the sound?
I am looking into improving the caps in my Quicksilver stuff, but before doing that, I am curious if there's anything in addition to caps which I should consider.
Gosh hilde45 I must have mentioned this only about a hundred times by now- DIODES! Diodes were the first mod I did to my Aronov integrated back in the 90's. Big improvement in liquidity, layering, just a really nice upgrade and probably still to this day the biggest bang for the $8 they cost me.
Once that worked I went through and replaced all the caps. This was a long time ago, I think they were all Solen, not that great but a lot better than stock.
If doing something like this today I would do not just diodes, caps and (some) resistors, but also put fO.q tape around caps and on circuit boards. Of course before doing anything like this I would first have done all the easy stuff like QSA or SR fuse, Pods, SR ECT, and a good power cord. Then I would think long and hard about replacing electronic parts. All the really good ones are huge compared to what's in there now. It is a balancing act figuring out what to replace, what to spend, what to get and how to get it to fit. It is not just "oh I'll get Deulund". You will see.