Advice needed re: new CD player purchase

Hello everyone. New member but long-time lurker here. My system: Bryston 4B-ST amp, Bryston BP25 preamp, and Meridian 508.24 CD player (all purchased in 1998 and all performing flawlessly), Kimber KCAG balanced interconnects, Audioquest speaker cable, and Esoteric power cords. I have Thiel CS2.4 loudspeakers.

I have about 4500 CDs (about 3% of which are hybrid SACDs). I love my system, but I want a new CD player. Am I right to think that advances in audio technology over the last 24 years have left my Meridian in the dust, sonically speaking? So I have been looking at various players. A few parameters: I will only buy new; I want XLR outputs; and I’d prefer to not spend over 5k.

I’m looking hard at the Bryston BCD-3, and the Technics SL-G700. Having owned Bryston products now for almost 24 years, I’m extremely impressed by their build quality and performance. However, the BCD-3 is not an SACD player. I’ve read a few solid reviews of the Technics, but I’m suspicious of their long-term reliability. There are no dealers where I live or within 200 miles. I looked at the Marantz line, and their only player with balanced outputs is the SA-10, which I’ve heard is awesome but I’m unwilling, at this point, to pay $7500 (although my mind is not closed on the matter).

Anyone here have either the Bryston or the Technics player? Will I notice a marked improvement with a new player (as compared to my 508.24)? Like most of you, this is my life. After work, I listen 2-3 hours per day, sometimes more on weekends. Thanks in advance for your advices.
Jeroboam...there is a used Marantz SA 10 for sale at TMR Audio. It's only 4 years old and can be had for $4200. 
I’ve been pleased with my Marantz SA-KI Ruby SACD/CD Player / DAC which goes for $4000 new. If I remember their SA 10 was the top of their line, but at $7500 was out of my range. Like you I don’t buy used (or Chinese for that matter) for the reasons you mentioned.

Marantz is well known for quality builds and has been around a long time. That counts for a lot over smaller less well known companies that may or may not be around for the long haul, especially if you ever happen to need a part or repair down the line. I also was impressed by the reviews the SA-KI Ruby received, and the individuals on this site who recommended checking it out. Good luck with your purchase.


I know your budget is 5K, at this level I would try and get a second hand Esoteric SACD/CD like the K-07X or go for a Marantz SACD.

The SA-KI Rubi is a great machine for the price but no XLR and is within your budget.
Hope it helps

I have the Bryston DAC 3, which has 4 HDMI inputs.  I play my SACDs by outputting from an Oppo 105 over HDMI into the Bryston.
From reading the OP I am unsure how you are currently playing SACD.  If you currently are unable to output SACD over HDMI, look for a Sony Blue Ray player that also outputs SACD.  This will also allow you to play Blu Ray Audio or concert discs into the Bryston as well.
I have the Yamaha CD-S2100 mentioned earlier. It is built well beyond their mass market offering. The transport is the same one used in their TOTL CD-S3100. The transport is exceptionally well designed and built, and does play SACD, but it's not one I would consider a one-box solution. The internal DAC is bested by a couple of external DACs I have in my system...but you can't pass the high-res output to an external DAC, so it defeats the purpose of SACD. So while the Yamaha works well in my system, it's not one I would recommend for you.