Why does Audiogon always close a discussion when georgehifi objects to it?

It seems that when like minded individuals want to partake in same discussions, posers like georgehifi can shut it down just by saying they disagree over and over and over and over and over, saying the same thing. Not bringing anything new to the discussions.....

On these threads there are members who have spent a lot of money on Audiogon, are cordial to one another and yet, it means nothing, nothing to the Audiogon monitors. In todays times when people are so divided it’s a shame Audiogon cannot and will not do anything to stop this.
Censorship is the cudgel of the  weak minded. 
People that cannot defend their ideas resort to silencing their opposition. 

This is not just an Audiogon problem, it is a cancer that is metastasizing every where. 
@yuviarora People that cannot defend their ideas resort to silencing their opposition.

The rules of Audiogon are quite clear as was pointed out to me just yesterday in no uncertain terms by @cleeds.  Diarize this quote for future reference - 

This is a hobbyist's group, not a scientific forum. No one here owes anyone scientific proof of anything. If that's an "issue" for you, you may be in the wrong place.

@noske Ignore the threads that deal with subjects that you disagree with..... Print that and post it on your refrigerator. 
People that are not interested in what is being said, or disagree  with the sentiment being expressed, go out of their  way to force themselves into the conversation.....and then scream for the moderators to intervene. 

It happens again and again and again......and it is always the same side that calls for the banning/shutting down of threads.