The balance control issue is driving me nuts! It doesn’t make any sense.
However, balance ctrl in center, I have left channel output in both speakers. Balance Ctrl fully to right channel...nothing.If the Bryston 4B cubed is set to bridged mode, the 4B cubed will disconnect Channel 2 input and only take the Channel 1 input signal and send the signal to both amplifier channel. Channel 1 will amplify the signal in phase and Channel 2 will amplify the same signal but out-of-phase.
If OP connect the preamp left channel output to 4B cubed Channel 1 input and connect the preamp right channel output to 4B cubed Channel 2 input, then OP will hear both speaker playing left channel signal from the preamp, if OP listen carefully, he will notice the bass is reduced due to one of the speaker is playing out-of-phase ( opposite in polarity). That explains why when balance ctrl in center, OP had left channel output in both speakers. Balance Ctrl fully to right channel ... nothing. And that’s the reason I ask OP what is the mode setting.
However, OP had confirm the mode switch on 4B cubed was set to individual and not bridged, therefore I suspect the mode function on the 4B cubed is not working correctly.