06-06-12: Loftarasa
I should think the "snap" of a snaredrum is above sub frequencies, around 1.5-2khz, so I don't see how that would be addressed by having warm speakers on the end of a "sterile" amp that you "probably will never like"!
I've been playing drums for 49 years and have realized for some time that the fundamental on a snare drum is deceptively low in frequency.
This chart seems to confirm that. Of course the strength of the fundamental varies with shell size and frequency wlth tuning. Nevertheless the chart show the snare drum reaching down to 100 Hz, just above the low E on a guitar and well into woofer terrritory. A warmer speaker will give more whump or fundamental to a snare drum.
This is even true in rock; many metal and other hard rock drummers use fairly large snare drums with 7" and 8" deep shells. Blues, much jazz, and New Orleans music often have a loosely tuned snare drum and won't sound right without a little warmth.