Esoteric P70 D70 vs X-01 Limited

I am considering selling my Esoteric P70 D70 for the X-01 Limited. Can anyone give me some advice if this is upgrade worth investing in. I am dedicated to redbook CD's however I am considering getting into SACD, although it's not something I am in a hurry to do due to the limited amount of music available on SACD. The sonics of my present digital gear is outstanding, another benefit is I don't have to use a pre-amp, I hook the DAC directly into my McIntosh 501 monoblocks, if the X-01 will give me a definite upgrade in sonics and soundstaging over my present DAC & Transport, then I will invest in the X-01 Limited and a pre-amp. Please provide your feedback. Thanks
I wouldn't. I have had much experience with the Esoteric players. They are incredibly well built but sound very mechanical.

When I worked at at top NY dealer the X01 was beatten by a player for less then half the price but which was not made as well.

If you want great get an Audio Aero Prestige. The build quality is good, but the sound quality is great!
Mitch7711, my own experience with X-01 also started in NYC, during an audition at a dealer -- Sound By Singer. Yet, in contrast with AudioOracle, I did not find the device to be mechanical at all, but exceedingly musically 'accurate' instead so much that now I am the proud owner of of an X-01 Limited. You will find my own findings at:
Having said that though, as I am totally convinced that an absolute 'best' player does not exist, I do suggest very much that prior to making a decision you do audition both the X-01 Limited and the AudioAero Prestige. Ensure that both devices are well broken in for your audition. The X-01 in particular does not settle down until you have a little over 800 hours of operations on it.
All Esoterics have a slightly cooler rendition. Depending on personal taste and a system context, it may sound "mechanical" or just "accurate". But if you like your D70/P70 combo, there is no reason you shouldn't like the X01.

Since getting the X-01 would meen that you also need a preamp, I would suggest getting a preamp first and trying it with your combo. If you find it beneficail (sound wise) you may sell your D70/P70 for X-01.
Good points Elberoth2. It is worth pointing also out that the TEAC players are all differentially balanced designs. They will shine in systems that are fully differentially balanced. I suggest a differentially balanced linestage like the ARC Ref 3 connected via XLR connectors, or if a slightly warmer sound is preferred, perhaps the VTL 6.5.