Describe the sound of point source loudspeakers?

I have not heard any but I’m going to audition some in the near future. Can you provide any pointers or things I should be listening for? My current loudspeakers are von Schweikert db99se and they are definitely not point source. Thanks for your input.
hi there tuberist : ) - is what you meant by 'point source' loudspeakers those that do not have multiple drivers that require crossovers internally and good geometries for their drivers externally, such that the sound waves from each driver arrives to your hearing in correct phase and timing? I'm not sure if I have used the precise terminology, so do excuse me if not.

in friendship, kevin
As in a speaker with a single driver that covers the entire frequency range?

Point source speakers have multiple drivers the closest I know of is the Kef UniQ driver but it only covers the mid and high frequencies with 2 drivers. I've never heard a FULL range single driver.
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I’ve not contributed to the forum much any more as I believe I have stereo speakers which give so much air, stage with such balanced treble, mid- range and bass that I need no more. Mk2 of much improved brilliance is being released soon. Shame I cannot afford these ones.
Volume turns into solid sound, where each instrument still remains itself, clear and distinct.
The stage is one that you can join and dance or play your instrument. Brilliance from Kyron Audio. 🇦🇺🇦🇺