Legacy Focus XD - will I ever upgrade?

When I finally decided one day that my college days were really over and it was time to get rid of the K-Horn knock offs and get serious, I got all new equipment and paired it all up with some nice B and W 702 S2 Speakers. Two years later I upgraded to my current Legacy Focus XD speakers. I absolutely love them, never tire of them and am satisfied with these being my last speakers..... BUT, just for fun, thought I would ask if anyone in the same position ever upgraded from the Focus to the Aeris and was it an incremental upgrade or an exponential upgrade (like from my B and W’s to the Focus XD)....... Just a theoretical question mind you. (the focus is the only Legacy speaker I have ever heard other than the Signature SE which led me to the Focus)


I cannot speak to the specific speakers, but I have made three jumps within the Sonus Faber line of roughly double or better the cost ($6K, $13K, $32K). Is is worth it? Holy cow, yes.


When established audio companies build product lines, they consider build costs and performance. They carefully weigh the performance against the competitors and within their own lines. Therefore it is a very safe bet expecting a big improvement when you double the price (my rule of thumb in audio... at a minimum double the price). The only thing to be a little cautious (I doubt this would be a problem), you can oversize the speakers for your space. Probably will sound better... just not as good as it could.

That would be part of my problem..... if I go from 16k to roughly 30k, the speakers offered would be embarrassingly huge in my room. the focus was about 10 inches taller than previous speakers and I thought they looked pretty big but I have gotten used to that, but even the modest increase to the next speaker would be pushing it on size. In this case, just not sure about going from a 15K soeaker to a 21k speaker would ever be worth it.

I had the choice of the $24K or the $32K... but I have a big room, 24' x 36'. By the way I am not talking about the physical size but the sound. You can overload a room. I had mentioned going to the $74kK Lilium and my audio guy said no... because the room would get overloaded with sound.


How big is your room? Do you have flexibility in placement?


My best estimate is that the upgrade would be worth it. I have been impressed with the jumps. I would do it.

I have reviewed several Legacy Audio speakers for Dagogo.com, if you care to read the reviews. Upgrading to higher models is worthwhile, as the performance changes dramatically. I owned the Focus HD, then the Focus SE, and went to the Whisper, finally doing some upgrades to transform it into the Whisper DSW Clarity Edition. 

I have not reviewed the Aeris, so I cannot speak about that first hand, but the leap from Focus SE to Whisper is enormous. The performance spectrum, even within a line of speakers, is much larger than you think.