The usual suspects: S1, Cirrus, Tempesta, MMM1

Getting back into audio and starting to make the audition/research list... Speakers are always the toughest, especially with the internet brands that have no presence here.

Anyway, here is the current list. I'd love to hear from people who have actually heard these in comparable setups:

1. Magico S1 - yes, it is new. it is also hot. Also too much $$$

2. Vapor Cirrus - tons of good press, but is it just the current audiophile flavor du jour (much like Joseph and Devore before them)

3. Selah Tempesta - seems similar to the Vapor but with lesser cabinet?

4. Evo Acoustics MMM1 - lots of hype on this one being generated by the company - worth it?

I've had Soliliquy's a long time ago. Energy's of various sorts that never did anything for me. ProAc Tablettes I loved (but many, many years ago so rose-tinted glasses now), and a variety of other speakers here and there...
I wonder about the Coincident Triumph Extreme II. Coincident has been around a while but has been known for excellent floor standers. The Triumph Extreme II is their only monitor.
I have owned the Triumph and the Super Eclipse, both only briefly. Nothing to write home about.

I found the Tempestas really need at least 100 hours (Accuton says 300 hours) to open up in depth, width, dynamics, and coherence. Up to that point the images stay closer to the speakers themselves.
I own a pair of Cirrus Blacks. In my basement room the sound was good
but lean and too forward or bright. The room is very long, (40 feet) and only
about 14 feet wide. Low suspended ceiling also, not very good for the

I spent a lot of time with speaker placement and added a subwoofer. I
also use bass traps in the corners behind the speakers, added absorption
panels behind speakers, some absorption panels in the suspended ceiling
and room lenses at first side wall reflection area.

After all that, the Cirrus Blacks imaging is very good and soundstaging is
also impressive. Treble is very natural and clean. With the sub the bass is
very good as well. Lots of detail and I think these speakers are accurate
and won't add much coloration to the music. Pretty good dynamics and
clarity is a bit better than my previous speakers. I can say I am happy with
the sound, but it took some work to get them to that point. I would think a
more normal sized room would yield great results without as much effort.

I think comparing speakers of this caliber would end up being personal
preference and how well you can get the speakers to sound in your room.

I wrote this with my iPhone, I wrote it in proper paragraphs but don't know
why it turned out like this!

Edit: Oh well it looks okay with my computer.