Vinylistas and Tubers - One and the same?

I am curious to see if I am in the small minority of Goners who listen exclusively to vinyl (or who have some digital source they use only when the can't get the album on a vinyl new release or reasonably priced in NM condition) and use solid state amps and phono stage. My reasons are I've been building my vinyl collection for the past 40+years, interrupted by the 10-15 years when vinyl wasn't being produced or distributed much in the US from the late 80's until the early 2000's and think it sounds better than CDs - never tried hi rez DLs or streaming, and I don't want to deal with the cost, inconvenience, unreliability (compared to SS) or heat of tubes. 

Please let me know if this describes you and your reasons.

Also, interested in the logic of those who use tubes and listen to digital.

Don't really need to hear from the digital SSers or the vinyl tubers unless your reasons are not obvious (either wanting no noise and maximum selection or like the full sound of vinyl with mid range emphasis and tube mellowness and are willing to pay the price).


My system has all digital sources, the one I use the most is my Roon Nucleus Plus server streaming Qobuz into a PS Audio DirectStream DAC.  I also have a PS Audio CD/SACD transport.

I find my McIntosh solid state amp pairs really well with my Focal Sopra No2 speaders, and when I changed from a solid state McIntosh preamp, to a tube unit from the same company, the improvement with acoustic instruments was significant enough to sell the solid state preamp.

I left the vinyl world many years ago and haven't looked back.

So everybody looks at the technology primarily, not the individual component's characteristics when it comes to tubes vs. solid state? I think the box matters more than the technology. Plenty of great SS out there and crappy tubes.

I agree that digital can approach vinyl, depending on the recording and the components being used, and convenience can play a major role, perhaps even more than the tubes/SS question.

Vinyl almost exclusively with tubes. Have heard some very good S.S. stuff but this gear is much more expensive than my tubed equipment. Only interested in digital for convenience. As my ears mature and my system improves the difference between digital and analog becomes more and more apparent. 



I have always considered the component first... what does it sound like, how will it fit in my audio chain. I would have purchased wax cylinders and networked organic amplifiers if they sounded better. I couldn’t care less about the technology. But, over fifty years I have more and more chosen tube equipment for the sound quality in the price category... and at this point I am in the $20K per component category. I could buy anything I wanted in that price category and I chose tube... not for the technology, but for the sound.


As far as vinyl. Same deal, I have always focused on the best sound source. It has always been vinyl. Still is, in the same price bracket. Finally after 30 years of digital, it can be similarly satisfying (although not quite as detailed) but I have over $10K extra invested in my digital end to get there ($46K digital vs $36K analog end).


I am pretty sure 90% of the people posting are primarily driven by best sound... and then secondary thinking the technology they chose was responsible for it (rightly or wrongly). Understanding the relationship of sound quality and the system that produced it is very difficult, it requires tremendous analytical ability, skill, and common sense. The people posting here are generally well meaning, however, at least half them have no idea what is going on, simply that they like their system and recommend what they bought. I have spent thousands of hours in pursuit of assembling a truly great system. Wonderful pursuit.,  


Vinylista,  tuber here but I do have a ss amp for streaming for background noise. 

My passion is Tubes and Vinyl. I do listen to the occasional CD.

Nothing like it vinyl and tubes that is.