Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?

I think we can all agree that threads about tweaks like fuses, stones, mats, power conditioners etc. stir up all kinds of controversy, conflict and ill will.


Short of banning discussion of these controversial topics, is there another solution to this problem?


I got this idea from teo_audio’s comments about a solution implemented at Canuck audio on another thread:


“Canuck audio tames it by having a cable and tweak area for threads. Where any counter to the idea that such things are functional (in attempt or in analysis), is not tolerated.


Meaning.. threads where people discuss tweaks, or mods or cables and so on, if a naysayer posts there, and interrupts the discussion, in any way, they get their posts deleted. And...if the given naysayer can’t hold their tongue, after said deletion-ish warnings..... they will, rapidly, via any repeats in behavior, find themselves banned from the forum. They have to grow up, or get lost.”


You may not like parts of his description, but I think the idea has real merit.


I propose a new “safe haven” sub-forum, with some special rules, for the discussion of tweaks. These rules would ONLY apply to this specific sub-forum, the current rules would continue as they are in all other areas.


The special rules would be along these lines:


Posts that categorically deny the possibility of tweaks having any effect or value are not allowed.


Posts proclaiming tweaks to be “scams” “cons” etc. are not allowed.


Posts that directly state, or imply, that another poster is lying, are not allowed.


Posts that make absolute negative statements like “Science proves it can’t work.” are not allowed.


Posts demanding measurements, controlled listening tests etc. are not allowed.


Posts that express skepticism (without making absolute negative statements), ask tough questions, or request more information are welcome.


Of course, some who hold the above opinions may object, but they would still be able to express those opinions in all other parts of the forum, just like they always have.


What do you think?


Audiogon’s broad spectom of posters is not quite ’hifi’ hard core "enough" to put enough premium on listening perception respect to allow for tweak discussions that don’t become class warfare.

we get into elitism, and degrees of social consciousness, needs to ’fix’ deluded subjectivists, or extreme sarcasim, when more than a paper clip is used for tweaks.

yes, i’m exagerating a little. but only a little.

it takes a commitment to respecting listening perceptions to get to the point where they get respected more than the need for quasi political statements. personally i come here for hifi talk, and to interact about hifi, and leave my baggage at the door.

whether it’s a good thing, or a bad thing, other hifi forums have crossed into more the listening subjective arena where those type discussions go forward for a long time without condescention......mostly. unlikely that happens here.

there are certainly worse, less hospitable places for listening respect than here too. Audiogon is what it is, a commercial enterprise wanting everyone to be here, whatever their viewpoint. nothing sacred really. since the forum users are not in charge. much on the positive side too. i like Audiogon and have been here over 20 years. but the majority of my hifi posting is elsewhere.

It won’t happen because of the first amendment. Audiogon is a buisness and has to follow the dictates of their lawyers as not to get sued.

The Bill of Rights are restrictions on government, not Audiogon. This is essentially private property, and you don’t have any guarantee of free speech here.

Post removed 

Posts that express skepticism (without making absolute negative statements), ask tough questions, or request more information are welcome.


I happen to consider that concession is reasonably sufficient for most contributers to not have to be concerned about getting banned for harbouring thought crimes.

In the meantime, I might dust off my copy of Animal Farm.